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THIA kimono robe

AVALON… raj na zemlji. Da bomo lahko častile svojo ženstvenost, nežnost, toplino, našo brezčasno in zdravo lepoto raznih oblik, sva za vse nas oblikovali kimono halje. Oblačilo, ki govori z našo dušo in časti ljubezen do sebe. 


Da bomo svoja čustva lahko izražale tudi tako. S krojem, ki po starodavnem prepričanju prinaša srečo, in v barvah, ki so brezčasne, tako kot je brezčasna naša energija in lepota, ki jo nosimo v sebi. 


Interpretacijo nosljivosti pa prepuščava vam. Kjerkoli in kadarkoli, kakor se počutite. 


 “Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.” – Wayne Dyer


Ženske smo srce sveta.

Prav je, da se tega zavedamo.




ANIMA svojo zgodbo začenja z oblačilom, ki pa ni zgolj to. Oblačilo, ki je osebno in intimno. 

Oblačilo, ki ga bomo kupile iz pravih razlogov, zase. Za vsakdanje trenutke ali tiste posebne. Ker se učimo imeti sebe zares rade. Od zunaj in znotraj. In ker se zavedamo, da si lahko raj na zemlji ustvarimo same in da se ta proces začne v nas. 


Kimono halja iz kolekcije AVALON naj bo hrana za našo dušo, telo in um.

Vse kimono halje se lahko nosijo točno tako kot jih doživljate. Kot objem koži, kot dodatek ali okvir spodnjemu perilu, k jeans kombinaciji ali kot lahek plašč za posebne večerne priložnosti na udobni zofi. S pasom ali brez. Vse je prav.  




AVALON… heaven on earth. For all of us to celebrate our femininity, gentleness, warmth, our timeless and healthy beauty of various shapes, we have designed a kimono robe. A robe that speaks to our soul and honours our love of ourselves in the right sense.


For us to express our feelings in this way as well. With a form that, according to ancient beliefs, brings happiness and in timeless colours that match the eternalness of our energy and inner beauty. 


How to wear it is up to you. Whenever and wherever, however you feel.  


“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.” – Wayne Dyer


Women, we are the heart of the world.

And we should not forget that.




ANIMA is starting its story with a garment that is not just a regular item of clothing. It is personal and intimate.

A garment that we will buy for the right reasons, for ourselves. For everyday moments or for special occasions. Because we are learning how to truly love ourselves. From the outside and from the inside. Because we know that we ourselves can create paradise on earth and that the process begins within us.


The kimono robe from the collection AVALON is meant to be food for our soul, body and mind.

All kimono robes can be worn exactly as you experience them. As a hug for our skin, as an accessory, a frame to our underwear, our jeans attire, or as a lightweight coat for special evening occasions on a comfortable sofa. With or without a belt. You can not go wrong.

THIA kimono robe

    • Material : 

    osnova : 100% VISKOZA, 

    obrobe : 50% VISKOZA, 50% poliester

    rahel lesk, gladek na otip

    • Velikost : ONE SIZE 
    • Dolžina (od ramenskega šiva) : cca 93 cm
    • ročno pranje
    • nesezonsko
    • omejene količine
    • ročno izdelano v Sloveniji


    • Material : 

    base : 100% VISCOSE 

    borders : 50% VISCOSE, 50% polyester

    slight shine, smooth to the touch

    • Size : ONE SIZE 
    • Length (from the top of the shoulder) :  cca 93 cm
    • hand-wash
    • seasonless 
    • limited quantaties
    • handmade in Slovenia



    Občutek, ki ga podarja Thia je božanski. Kombinacija materialov omogoča padajočo obliko in lahkoten občutek, za strukturo in definicijo pa poskrbi elegantna obroba.

    Je najbolj romantična med vsemi.

    Ime Thia je predvsem žensko ime grškega izvora, ki pomeni »božji, božanski dar«.  



    Wearing Thia feels simply divine. The combination of materials gives the robe a flowing shape and a light feel, while an elegant border provides structure and definition.

    She is the most romantic of them all.

    The name Thia is primarily a female name of Greek origin, which means “God's, divine gift”.

  • pošiljanje v Sloveniji 

    2-14 delovnih dni 


    shipping to Slovenia

    2-14 business days

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