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Anima je poglobljena, večplastna and she likes to have fun. Vedno mora biti tudi čas za lahkotne trenutke, za zabavna druženja, za glasbo, ples in smeh. Nič hudega, če kdaj pozabimo na kakšno lastno pravilo in se predamo momentu. 


To rubriko tako namenjava prav takšnim lahkotnim trenutkom. Trenutkom, ki so zabavni, igrivi, temperamentni in kljub temu srčni ter iskreni. Poimenovali sva jo 




Za zavestno igranje v matrici.


Nič ni narobe z zdravim raziskovanjem predvidljivega in pričakovanega, če le to počnemo s pozornostjo in zavestno. 


To bo tako prostor za tiste stvari, ki so sicer minljive, a so v pravih spominih lahko večne in celo sentimentalne. Prostor za malo več spontanosti in začinjenosti. Brez obžalovanj in v soju žarometov.

Da bodo motnje v matrici še bolj zabavne. 


Včasih moramo vstopiti v jedro, da potegnemo ostale ven. In to lahko storimo s stilom.


Anima je več kot ena stvar. Je globoka, unikatna, večplastna in razvijajoča se entiteta, ki jo "predalčki" omejujejo. Ne da se je uokviriti in enoznačno opredeliti, ker ji nazivi ne dišijo. Čeprav se bo Anima vedno spreminjala, razvijala, rasla in nadgrajevala, dopuščava možnost, da se zna ta rubrika s časoma deaktivirati ali pa na novo naložiti. Ker je matrica ultimativen program, se nikoli ne ve.


Welcome to the MATRIX.



Za piko na i sproščenemu stylingu. Vsaj tako jih vidiva midve. Igrivo in brez prstnih odtisov. Za zasebnost v nezasebnem svetu.





Anima is deep, multifaceted and she likes to have fun. There should always be time for light moments, for fun gatherings, for music, dancing and laughter. It's okay if we sometimes forget some of our own rules and surrender to the moment. 


This section is dedicated to such light moments. Moments that are fun, playful, temperamental and yet heartfelt and sincere. We named her 




For conscious playing in the matrix.


There is nothing wrong with a healthy exploration of the predictable and the expected, as long as we do it mindfully and consciously. 


This will be a place for those things that are fleeting, but can be eternal and even sentimental in the right memories. Space for a little more spontaneity and spice. No regrets and in the spotlight.

To make glitches in the matrix even more fun. 


Sometimes we have to go in to pull others out. And we can do that with some style.


Anima is more than one thing. It is deep, unique, multifaceted and evolving entity that can't be put in a box. She is not to be framed, tamed and defined, because she does not like titles. Although Anima will always change, develop, grow and upgrade, we allow the possibility that this section can be deactivated over time or reloaded. Since the matrix is ​​the ultimate program, you never know.


Welcome to the MATRIX.



The perfect finishing touch to relaxed styling—at least, that’s how we see them. Playful and fingerprint-free, offering privacy in a non-private world.



€ 69,00Price
    • material : 87 % Poliamid, 13 % Metalna vl.
    • pranje na 30°C
    • velikost : - raztegljive - dolžina rokavic 57cm




    • material : 87 % Poliamid, 13 % Metallic fibers
    • wash 30°C
    • size : - strecth - length of the gloves 57cm
  • pošiljanje v Sloveniji 

    2-14 delovnih dni 


    shipping to Slovenia

    2-14 business days

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